Good Examples of Digital Creativity and Media Usage including online advertising, web sites and search marketing. Compiled by Dan Calladine, Aegis Media - All views expressed are my own.
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Seemingly everyone is playing (& talking about) Pokemon Go
It's not yet possible to buy locations in the UK - although it will come soon, and McDonalds has paid for 'Gyms' to be located at 3,000 of its restaurants in Japan - but some companies are using guerrilla tactics to capitalise on the craze.
For example, Deliveroo, the food delivery people, are taking out food to popular gyms, and giving it out to players when they tweet the #GottaFeedEmAll hashtag - with a different restaurant each day
This is a really good example of a brand app that is useful.
Lots of parents fill up at petrol stations, then go in to the kiosk to pay, while leaving their kids alone in the car (which is technically illegal)
The Fill Up & Go app lets you scan a QR code on the pump, fill up, and pay through your phone, which has been told by the pump how much fuel you have used. Payment is via Apple Pay or Paypal.
It's the first time I've been, and it was a great week. There were lots of interesting talks, meetings, installations and more. So many people seem to have been there, and it's always strange to unexpectedly bump into people you know from home when you're abroad, especially at midnight at a party, or walking along the street, but clearly at Cannes this is the normal state of affairs.
Here are fifteen of the best things I saw, either around and about at Cannes, or in competition (although to be honest I watched those online back in London...). I've tried to steer away from the more famous ones like #OptOutside.
Life Saving Stickers - I love simple ideas, and this one, making life-sized stickers that look like kids to stick onto wheelie bins is great.
Tata - Dipper Condoms - Trucks in India have the slogan 'Use Dipper at Night' to remind drivers to dip their headlights. But Tata trucks took this as their inspiration to create a condom brand called Dippers to reduce levels of sexual disease among truck drivers
There was lots of VR on display - I really liked Samsung's Maison Samsung which had lots of things you could try out
The Second Scoreboard - A campaign in Costa Rica put a second scoreboard on the TV during football matches - showing how many domestic violence events had been recorded during the match. A great way to raise awareness among likely perpetrators.
BMW - Animal detecting billboards - Billboards on windy roads that used video cameras with night vision to show what animals had strayed onto the roads ahead.
Grab a seat – it’s Pimms O’Clock - Also using live posters - time time using beacons to see which local beer gardens had spaces, and putting the information onto digital poster sites
Legoland Dollars - Lego produced a physical currently for kids to spend at its resorts, and managed to get the dollars sold at foreign exchange desks in airports, including an entry on the foreign exchange display board
Lots of media owners did stunts - I really liked the 'Pinterest in Real Life' with tips for what to do in and out of Cannes
Clever Kash – ASB knew that parents didn't always have loose change for pocket money so they made a physical piggy bank that could be topped up via an app.
Pink Ribbon - Check it before it’s removed – It's against Facebook's Ts&cs to put pictures of bare breasts on the site, so Pink Ribbon posted pics of to highlight how women had to check their breasts before they were removed too. A very bold campaign.
Donate the bars - Another campaign that used features of a media property - in this case people who took vertical videos and uploaded them to YouTube were able to donate the blank black bars on either side to charity campaigns
Verizon in Minecraft - Verizon actually built a working cell tower in Minecraft, giving connectivity to phones
Toyota Landcruiser Emergency Network - There were several campaigns based around creating a movement (for example the more famous The Swedish Number). This one allowed Australian Toyota Landcruiser owners to form their own mobile network to spread safety alerts in areas of low connectivity.
There weren't many (any?) chatbots - there will be best year - but a local taxi company was using Messenger as a way of booking