Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Absolut uses WhatsApp & a 'Doorman' in Argentina

I love how creative brands are starting to get with messaging apps.

This example comes from last year in Argentina.  Absolut were holding a party for Absolut Unique, and wanted to make it special.

They announced it on their Facebook page, but said that you had to convince the Doorman, Sven, to give you access, and listed his WhatsApp ID.

Cue lots of Argentinians trying to blag their way into the party in lots of creative ways:

Absolut Unique Access - English from Woonky on Vimeo.

Very good!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Share to WhatsApp

WhatsApp now has over 400 million active monthly users - so I suspect we're going to see lots more of this: A 'share to WhatsApp' button in the Buzzfeed iOS app.

Social sharing needn't be on the public networks.  Sharing to SMS and messaging services could be just as important.

Picture source

Monday, January 27, 2014

Wren Kitchens on YouTube

This is some crazy kind of genius... and it's had 3 million views in a year, with no ad budget (I suspect)...

Although on second thoughts I saw it as a pre-roll...

Wren Living

Monday, January 20, 2014

Marketing with Tinder

How does Tinder (the mobile dating app) make any money?

The answer is that it doesn't really need to as it's not a stand alone company, it's actually part of IAC which also owns, OK Cupid, and lots of other online properties that do.

However it's started making forays into (I'm guessing) paid ads on the site, with this promotional campaign for the TV show The Mindy Project, in which an account was created for 'Mindy' and then she was matched with various men who use the app.

There's also a story that there will be a Tinder storyline in the show - so maybe it's actually cross-promotion.

I think that this is a pretty creative way of using Tinder, but...  Surely you're just going to antagonise the men who thought they'd met someone, and also is 'The Mindy Project' even aimed at men..?

Full story here

Update - Domino's Pizza has done it too

Update - A case study from Domino's Pizza

Update - A Case study for a dogs charity

BBC News on Instagram

I quite like this - an experiment by BBC News to create / re-purpose content onto a dedicated Instagram account.  See it here -  It's been done before - for example by NowThisNews - but the BBC have done this well I think.

More here



& even things like this:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Devil Baby Attack for Devil's Due

Very reminiscent of the Telekinetic Coffee Shop, this is also a stunt to promote a horror film, in this case Devil's Due.

21m views in 2 days!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ben & Jerry's on the Jelly App

Jelly is the new app from Twitter co-founder Biz Stone.  You sign in and connect to your Twitter and Facebook accounts, and then ask questions which your contacts (if they also have Jelly) can try to answer.  It's potentially useful for local queries ('does anyone know what this new restaurant is going to be?') but as with most things like this no one really knows what it will turn into in the long run.  At the moment it's quite good fun - a nice diversion.

Brands are joining in - this is a question that Ben & Jerry's asked:

& one of the answers.

According to this article other brands have also got involved, including Carphone Warehouse, Asda, and Nandos, and GE have also done this well

As with lots of things like this you can argue that it's not going to sell much product - but it's also very cheap for brands to get involved, and it's a nice way of interacting with potential consumers

Update - a couple of Nando's Jelly examples

Monday, January 13, 2014

Victorian Sensation - Blogging The Common Love of Good

My friend A C Rees has written a novel: 'The Common Love of Good'.  It's a literary novel set in 1860, about a long forgotten crime, and is told in the form of letters and diary entries.

Having been through the grind that is the usual channels to try to get published (and been told that first novels should be short and simple), she's now decided to generate more interest in it by posting it in regular 'real-time' posts on this blog, 'Victorian Sensation'.

Have a read.

She's also making use of her research and perspectives from writing the novel to look at modern life in the Neo Victorians section - finding surprising and sometimes dismaying similarities and differences between the eras - and commenting on instances of our cultural fixation with the 19th Century such as the recent 'Ripper Street' and '12 Years A Slave'.

You can also follow updates on Twitter, as some of the main characters in the book talk about their day to day lives

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

P&G's 'Thank You, Mom' ad for Sochi 2014

This is a great follow up to the award winning campaign from London 2012.

See the London ad here
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