Monday, April 28, 2014

Fandango uses Twitter Cards to sell mobile tickets

A good example from Fandango of the sort of thing that you can do with a Twitter Card - that is, an expandable tweet.

The Tweet isn't from Fandango, it's from the @SpiderManMovie account, but it uses Fandango's card template which includes integration with their booking engine

The text of the tweet says:

"The Amazing #SpiderMan 2 swings into theaters in 6 days! Get your tickets now on @Fandango >> …"

But when you click to expand the tweet you get a big picture, information about the film, opening date, and link to buy tickets.

Or see the original tweet here

Update - here's the tweet as it appears within Twitter - the embed doesn't work as well.

Repeat after me - Twitter is more than 140 characters!

See another example of a Twitter Card here - for data collection

1 comment:

James Whatley said...

Interesting that the embed doesn't show up properly yet (might be worth screen-capping to show it fully in action).

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