Thursday, May 11, 2006

MINI Viral

New viral for Mini

Still live here

glue London say:

glue London create personalised video viral campaign for MINI.

glue London have created a viral campaign for MINI to tie in with thelaunch of the new MINI Cooper S JCW GP Kit. Using video applicationcombined with a remarkable level of personalised content, the viral hasbeen created to showcase the new model.With tongue firmly in cheek the concept for the viral centres around theidea that men aren't real men anymore due to the rise of themetrosexual.

Users are asked to visit the website where they can nominate friends who may bedemonstrating unmanly characteristics. The unsuspecting friend then receives a personalised email from their friend advising them that'someone wants to ave a little word'. At the website they get a personalvideo message from a character who seems to know a lot about themincluding their job, girlfriend's name and most importantly their worstcrimes against mankind.

They are encouraged to 'sort themselves out' andare encouraged to enjoy the visual feast of the MINI Cooper S JCW GP Kitmodel for inspiration.

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