Friday, January 20, 2012

Things I Love - Friday 20th January

This frustrated letter from Douglas Adams, desperately trying to get in touch with an elusive movie exec regarding Hitchhikers Guide.  That's how to do sarcasm.  (I don't know if the call ever came)

A video of a year, with one short clip for each day. I love this even though I don't know any of the people. If this were one of my friends I'd love it far, far more. (& it's already 20 days too late to do this myself for 2012)

2011 from hey_rabbit on Vimeo.

The delicious chickens from Fosse Meadows Farm, available at various London farmers' markets.  Yes, it's more expensive, but these chickens are properly free range; they have muscles where supermarket chickens don't!  Never buying a supermarket chicken again.

'Hello' in movie clips - we all love this, right?

Hello from ant1mat3rie on Vimeo.

The Guardian's Guardipedia stunt for the day of the SOPA Wikipedia outage.  A great way to have fun with the readers.  Readers had to send in questions, the Guardian guy had to try to answer them.  Qs got increasingly random and surreal!

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